Cut Out + Keep

Sox, The Hand Warming Puppy

Cuddly wuddly and warm! • Posted by HotPinkCrayola

A Christmas gift for my brother's girlfriend - a sock dog which doubles as a hand warmer! Great as a gift or a treat for you. I started using a How To available here: But I quickly (ie - after step one!) realised that stuffing a sock with rice (for the heating) doesn't lead to a soft toy that holds it's shape all that well. So I edited the design. Anyway, enough waffle, here's the How To. Don't be put off by the length - I've just gone into a lot of detail to compensate for the lack of photos.

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Medium main 1323027624 Medium 20 1323027635


A Christmas gift for my brother's girlfriend - a sock dog which doubles as a hand warmer! Great as a gift or a treat for you. I started using a How To available here: But I quickly (ie - after step one!) realised that stuffing a sock with rice (for the heating) doesn't lead to a soft toy that holds it's shape all that well. So I edited the design. Anyway, enough waffle, here's the How To. Don't be put off by the length - I've just gone into a lot of detail to compensate for the lack of photos.


  1. Small 01 1323027917

    Firstly, grab your supplies. Ironically, not shown here is the sock. D'oh! Also, I didn't take photos while making because I wasn't planning a How To, so enjoy some more of my MS Paint doodles!

  2. Small 2 1323028134

    Cut your sock as shown.

  3. Small 3 1323028164

    Take the middle bit, which will form the head and body of your dog. Turn it inside out. Sew one end up by running some stitches round the edge, then pull the trailing threads to gather closed, and sew over the gathered end to make sure it's closed properly. This is a technique you'll use a lot in the make!

  4. Small 04 1323028311

    Look! Photos! Fill a tub (I'm using a spray paint lid, but a cup would do) with half rice, and half dried lavender. The lavender will take the edge off the smell of heated rice.

  5. Small 05 1323028381

    Turn your sock the right way out, and pour your mixture in. Keep adding half-and-half tubs until full (remember to leave a small lip for sewing closed).

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    Mix the mixture extra well with your fingers.

  7. Small 07 1323028540

    Use the gathering technique again to sew the other end shut. The left is the end which used to have the ankle bit attached, and the right is where the toes used to be. Remember this.

  8. Small 08 1323028603

    Flip your body over, and run another line of gathering stitches around where the neck will be - under the heel, to where the foot bends. This adds definition, but don't pull too tight or your puppy will look strangled.

  9. Small 09 1323028815

    Plop your dog down on it's bum and squidge it until it looks kind of like a snow man. See how the heel becomes the back of the head?

  10. Small 10 1323028885

    Grab a scrap of felt (or perhaps a button) and sew on a nose to cover that gathered bit at the front. You can also add a tail on the bottom to cover the gather there too, but I didn't bother.

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    Put your body to one side and grab the bit of your sock that used to be the ankle. Cut into four equal bits as shown. Each should have three open sides, and a folded side. These will form the legs.

  12. Small 12 1323029007

    Take one piece and turn it inside out. Sew the side opposite the fold closed, and sew a circle of felt on to one end. Turn it right side out, fill with rice and gather the open end closed as you've done previously. Do the same for the other three pieces.

  13. Small 13 1323029189

    Sew your four legs on to the body as shown.

  14. Small 14 1323029220

    You should have something that looks like this.

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    Now take the toe part of your sock. Cut it in half width ways and throw away to top section, then cut your remaining toes in half length ways, as shown.

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    Tune it inside out and sew down the side opposite the fold. Turn it right side out, and DON'T fill with rice! Do this for both.

  17. Small 17 1323029397

    Nearly there! Sew your ears into place on your dogs head.

  18. Small 18 1323029427

    Finally, grab some more scrap felt (or two buttons if you prefer) and sew your puppy some eyes using big comedy cross stitches. That's Sox made, and ready to warm your fingers.

  19. Small 19 1323029484

    To use, put Sox into your microwave next to a cup of water. Microwave him for two or three minutes. Make sure you keep an eye on him, just in case. The cup of water is important, because it stops the rice from burning (there's a scientific reason I'm sure, but I don't know it - I assume the rice absorbs the water vapour so heats up, but not enough to actually cook?).

  20. Small 20 1323029650

    Once warm, keep him snuggled up to you and enjoy the heat. I don't know how long he'll stay warm for, but it should be long enough to take the edge off the winter chill!