Cut Out + Keep

Sofrito Sauce

A super simple Spanish sauce that works with everything. • Posted by Cat Morley

Part of the<br><div class="tagline"><img align="absmiddle" src="/blog/images/icons/globe.gif" /><a href="/blog/reference.php?id=344">Spanish</div></a> cuisine masterclass.<br><br> Sofrito is a Spanish sauce used as a base for many dishes. It works well with potatoes, grilled vegetables and pasta.<br><br>

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 05


Nice & Simple
Medium sofrito


Part of the<br><div class="tagline"><img align="absmiddle" src="/blog/images/icons/globe.gif" /><a href="/blog/reference.php?id=344">Spanish</div></a> cuisine masterclass.<br><br> Sofrito is a Spanish sauce used as a base for many dishes. It works well with potatoes, grilled vegetables and pasta.<br><br>


  1. Small 344

    Chop up the red onion and the pepper.

  2. Small 345

    Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until purred. Serve with pasta, potatoes or anything you like.