Cut Out + Keep

Sock Bunnies

its amazing what you can do with socks :) • Posted by mel p.

These can be a simple or as complicated as you like so i will start with the simplest first: 1: turn one sock inside out with the heel at the top and lay flat 2: Draw a line from the top of the sock to just above the heel, then cut down this line (this will create the ears ) 3: Stitch up the two ears then turn the sock right way round. 4:Take a small circle of felt and put a little of the stuffing in the centre, stitch around the circle in running stitch and then pull tight to create the tail, attach this to one side of the main sock body. 5: Now stuff the sock body, pull the ends together and stitch tightly, finish with over stitch as this looks tidier. 6) Cut out your face from your coloured felt and glue in place, stitch on whiskers if required and your bunny is complete xx PROJECT 2 Leaping bunny The bunny shape described above creates the head of the leaping bunny, follow the same instructions but dont add the tail. Take a second knee length sock to create the body. I have used stripey ones as a contrast and i think these look better, Simply turn the sock inside out cut a line from the top to just above the heel to create the front legs then cut another at the other end to create the back legs, stitch them up, turn the right way and then stuff. Stitch the head to the body and add a tail to complete your bunny xxx PROJECT 3. Standing bunny These are made following a pattern from the book Socks appeal by Brenna Maloney.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 253 Medium 229 Medium 223 Medium 224 Medium 232 Medium 257


These can be a simple or as complicated as you like so i will start with the simplest first: 1: turn one sock inside out with the heel at the top and lay flat 2: Draw a line from the top of the sock to just above the heel, then cut down this line (this will create the ears ) 3: Stitch up the two ears then turn the sock right way round. 4:Take a small circle of felt and put a little of the stuffing in the centre, stitch around the circle in running stitch and then pull tight to create the tail, attach this to one side of the main sock body. 5: Now stuff the sock body, pull the ends together and stitch tightly, finish with over stitch as this looks tidier. 6) Cut out your face from your coloured felt and glue in place, stitch on whiskers if required and your bunny is complete xx PROJECT 2 Leaping bunny The bunny shape described above creates the head of the leaping bunny, follow the same instructions but dont add the tail. Take a second knee length sock to create the body. I have used stripey ones as a contrast and i think these look better, Simply turn the sock inside out cut a line from the top to just above the heel to create the front legs then cut another at the other end to create the back legs, stitch them up, turn the right way and then stuff. Stitch the head to the body and add a tail to complete your bunny xxx PROJECT 3. Standing bunny These are made following a pattern from the book Socks appeal by Brenna Maloney.
