Cut Out + Keep

Snowmen Ornaments

Tutorial: Snowmen ~ Schneemänner • Posted by Anke A.

I just came across these pictures from last year, and I thought I should make a little tutorial for you. These snowmen are a cute accent for your flowers, or you might attach them to a wreath. For each snowman you need: a wooden skewer, 2 paper balls (one must be a little smaller than the other), wood glue, hot glue, black fun liner / window color, felt scraps, orange pen.

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0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 20081217 072 kl


I just came across these pictures from last year, and I thought I should make a little tutorial for you. These snowmen are a cute accent for your flowers, or you might attach them to a wreath. For each snowman you need: a wooden skewer, 2 paper balls (one must be a little smaller than the other), wood glue, hot glue, black fun liner / window color, felt scraps, orange pen.


  1. Small 20081217 064 kl

    At first, paint the tip of the skewer orange. Let it dry, then cut it off (about half an inch). With a drop of wood glue, stick it into the smaller ball’s hole. This will be the head with the carrot nose.

  2. Small 20081217 066 kl

    Attach the larger ball with a drop of wood glue to the rest of the skewer. With hot glue, attach the head (nose pointing forward) to the body. Cut a strip from felt and wrap it around the neck.

  3. Small 20081217 073 kl

    With the black fun liner, paint the eyes, the mouth and the buttons – that’s it! If you like it, please leave a comment.