Smock Top
SEWed UP...Smock Tutorial
Posted by SEWButterfly
Well, it's been rather warm here in Florida and I needed to make quick smocks for my daughter. I got cotton fabrics from my stash and pillowcases. They turned out rather well! This is my first tutorial and I hope you like it!
You Will Need (3 things)
- ¼ yd Fabric (bodice front and back; and bodice facing). I used fabrics from my stash.
- ½ yd Fabric (skirt/dress front and back). I used a pillowcase for one of the dresses.
- Scrap Fabric for straps
Steps (8 steps, 100 minutes)
Bodice and facing: across top of bust underarm-to-underarm; add 5/8" for seam allowance. Also, top of bust to under the bust.
Skirt/dress: under bust underarm-to-underarm; add 5/8" for seam allowance. That measurement mutliply by 2 (for gathering).(The pattern above is the bodice front and back; and facing front and back. The fold line is the centerfront.)
Cutting: bodice = cut 4 on fold (2 for bodice and 2 for facing); skirt/dress = cut 2; straps = cut 2 @ 3" wide (I made my 13" in length).
Right sides together, fold strap lengthwise and stitch the length. Turn strap right side out; press with stitching in center of strap. Turn in one of the short end about 1/8" and press; stitch close. Leave other end open. Repeat steps for other strap.
Bodice: with right sides together (front and back), stitch side seams; press seams open. Repeat for facing.
On right side of bodice back, measure in 1/2" from sides and pin strap raw edge to raw edge of bodice (with center seam facing up) and machine baste. Repeat on other side of bodice with other strap. -
Right sides together of bodice and facing, stitch all around the top and underarm leaving the bottom of bodice open. Clip corners; turn right side out and press. Baste bottom of bodice close.
Skirt/dress: with right sides together, sew side seams and press open. Make a basting stitch around width of skirt and another basting stitch about a 1/2" below the first.
Right sides together of bodice and skirt; pin side seams together, then pull thread to gather to fit rest of bodice. Stitch bodice to skirt. Cut excess fabric; press seam towards bodice. Turn smock right side out. Stitch hem.
To fasten straps to front of bodice, you can use buttons with buttonholes; loops to tie straps; or whatever your desire!
And, you're done! These are also great for the pool area and beach.