A small box shaped bag to hold stuff :)
My Gran got one of these from her neighbour for Christmas. I thought it was really pretty. This one holds choclate.
Christina R. favorited Small Bag Box Decoration Thing 05 Dec 15:23
Ani W. entered their project Small Bag Box Decoration Thing to Brini Maxwell 26 Dec 21:59
You Will Need
Step 1
Choose two fabrics that are suitable (e.g for xmas use xmas themed fabric)
Step 2
Cut out 2 squares from your lining fabric, about 14x14cm.
Step 3
Pin, then sew around the sides and bottom.
Step 4
Pinch the corners, and sew 7cm. (in the end it will be square)Put to the side.
Step 5
Now grab your outer fabric. Again cut two rectangles that are 14 x 14cm.
Step 6
Pin around the sides and bottom. Then sew but leave a hole about 5cm big in one side.
Step 7
Once again pinch the corners and sew 7cm across. Put the outside into the inside, right sides together.
Step 8
Pin and sew all the way around the top.
Step 9
Pull everything through the hole.
Step 10
Sew close the little hiole in the lining. Fold a little bit over. Fill with sweets or something else. Your done :))