Cut Out + Keep

Sleepy Bird

window hanger made of scraps and recycling materials and a felted bird • Posted by Jet H.

because my friend Sheilaloved my birthday birdcage hanger , i t hought i must make one for her as well. I had still some needle and wet felted birds and thought i must first embroidering them and pick the loveliest one for my friend and make an more easy one birdcage hanger for her. so this is my own variation of my own project. LOL Not from all the steps i have made pictures. but i think you will understand this too without the pictures and other wise jump to my other tute, or feel free to ask me your questions. Note: you allways can use other kinds of birds, toy's or bought one ,xmas birds ect. and you allways can use in stead of the brench an other thing where the bird on could stand. just be creative and have fun;-D thank you for hopping by;-D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium achter  hangend aan muur 1294401350 Medium voorkant vogeltje aan de muur 1294401376


because my friend Sheilaloved my birthday birdcage hanger , i t hought i must make one for her as well. I had still some needle and wet felted birds and thought i must first embroidering them and pick the loveliest one for my friend and make an more easy one birdcage hanger for her. so this is my own variation of my own project. LOL Not from all the steps i have made pictures. but i think you will understand this too without the pictures and other wise jump to my other tute, or feel free to ask me your questions. Note: you allways can use other kinds of birds, toy's or bought one ,xmas birds ect. and you allways can use in stead of the brench an other thing where the bird on could stand. just be creative and have fun;-D thank you for hopping by;-D


  1. Small no 1. voork roze vogel 1294400773

    Embroider the felted bird. I have used the stem stich, chain stich, tack stich, satin stich.

  2. Small no 1.a achterkant roze vogel 1294400817

    f you hang the bird in front of the window it's nice when you embroidering both sides.

  3. the brench first make the brench clean, Use a brush and put the brench in the oven at 200 degrees for 20minutes all the bugs will be dead and your house will be safe of them;-D Add a layer of woodglue on it. let it dry.

  4. make some holes underneat the belly of your bird. for his/hers legs. i used a knife and an awl.

  5. when the woodglue is dried you can give the brench a colour with some paint. i have choosen cold because i liked it to look him alittle bit kistschy.LOL

  6. Small no 3. bird legs copyflat 1294401062

    the legs. measuring two pieces of 30 cm/ or 12 inches , cut it off. 1.fold it in two for the middle toe make some twists. 2. fold on ther right side one piece of the same length in two and this will be the right toe. 3. for the left do the same . Now you have made the foot.. 4.the rest long parts of the wire you must stwisting them together this will be the leg. okay you're ready with this part.

  7. with some hot glue you glue the the legs tight in the holes of the birds body;-D

  8. wrap the toes on the brench so he stay's on the brench.

  9. Small no 5. vilt vogel1 copy 1294401164

    glue some fake flowers and leaves on the ends of the brench and you're almoste done;-D

  10. Small no 6. bovenste lusje 1294401191

    the hanging, take a cord, in one end you make a loop with an knot in the end.

  11. Small no 7. koordje vogel 1294401229

    the other side hold the cord throught the body of the bird with a strong big needle ,and make a loop ,add a crip bead and on that some normal beads just to make it more prettier. Add at least nearby the end of the loop and the end of the cord the last crimp bead and your're done!!! Yeaaaah

  12. Small achterk vogel aan muur copy 1294401268

    or hang it in front of your window or give it away. wish you much fun with yours and be creative, you allways can use the birds you have allready or from xmas decoration, or toys.;-D just have fun with the making of yours and be creative!!;-D