• Posted by Jenna C.
Styling Tips: 1. Wear this Tee with distressed denim for the full effect! 2. Add some bling with the Metalicuff!
Styling Tips: 1. Wear this Tee with distressed denim for the full effect! 2. Add some bling with the Metalicuff!
Plug in your iron and gather materials.
Lay your tee on a flat surface that is a good place to iron and craft. Place stud trim on sleeve from shoulder point to edge and cut trim to fit.
Repeat this procedure below initial strip of studs, until you've cut enough strips to fill the sleeve, leaving some at faried lengths. This will give your styline effect.
Next, line up the trim on the shoulder seam and armhole seam vertically. Cut out (3) pieces as long as you wish. Ours are about 3 1/2".
Lay a pressing cloth or a blank piece of paper over your strips and press with an iron for about 25-30 seconds. *Recommended: Turn your tee inside out and press from the back for an additional 30 seconds. Repeat this 2 times.
Cut 4-5 strips of studded trim in varying lengths. These will be used for the bottom of the tee.
Arrange strips at the right side of the tee shirt hem as pictured. Repeat ironing process.
Let your tee cool completely (the studs get really hot!).
Try it on and Enjoy!!!