Cut Out + Keep

Skye Captain

Skye is a knitted WWI pilot! • Posted by heidi b.

If your a really quick knitter than i'm sure it wont take you nearly as long but the hour work was spaces over a few weeks. He was knitted using the pilot patter in the book shown with a few personal changes (as some of the directions made no sense as explained.) There are lots of cute bears to choose from like Gentalman bear, Ballarina bear and Swimmer bear!

You will need

Project Budget
Getting Pricey


24 h 00


Medium img 2150 1289423586


If your a really quick knitter than i'm sure it wont take you nearly as long but the hour work was spaces over a few weeks. He was knitted using the pilot patter in the book shown with a few personal changes (as some of the directions made no sense as explained.) There are lots of cute bears to choose from like Gentalman bear, Ballarina bear and Swimmer bear!
