Cut Out + Keep

Skunk Eclair

A skunk you may enjoy being sprayed by • Posted by Laura

I made this skunk eclair for my dad. I made a few eclairs and I filled this one with chocolate pudding, and covered it with melted cocolate. I spooned some chocolate over a toothpick and froze that, when I was ready for it I put it at the end of the eclair and added the stripe with whipped cream.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 0177 Medium 100 0176


I made this skunk eclair for my dad. I made a few eclairs and I filled this one with chocolate pudding, and covered it with melted cocolate. I spooned some chocolate over a toothpick and froze that, when I was ready for it I put it at the end of the eclair and added the stripe with whipped cream.
