• Posted by Rachel T.
when i ride my bike my pant leg always get caught in my chain, but skinny jeans wont do that. so my plan is to convert all my regular pants into skinny minnies.
when i ride my bike my pant leg always get caught in my chain, but skinny jeans wont do that. so my plan is to convert all my regular pants into skinny minnies.
turn your jeans inside out.
put 'em on and get a feel for how tight you want them. Then draw a line with a fabric friendly marker or crayon.
measure your lines and make sure they are straight and even on both pant legs. loosely hand sew together and try on to make sure its the right size.
take the hand sewn stitching out. put pins in the accross the line you made. and sew together with machine. make sure your thread matches.
cut off excess fabric, and turn pants right side in. vwala, skinny jeans.