Cut Out + Keep

Skeleton Clips

my verson of coloring skeleton hands to make cute and creepy clips • Posted by Stittchedupdoll

very easy and fun to do. start with your colors of choice and a piece of cardboard. lay out the hands keep similar colors closer,and others far away. spray top-let dry. spray understide -let dry.( after a day of fully drying and making sure your coats are smooth and clear coat has sealed it.) now on to the clip attachment. I used the ribbon to make little squares and glue to the clip .just make sure you glue the flat side which will rest on the underside of your skeleton hand.(this is important if you have thin hair or hate having your clips pull out your hair.) now glue clip to hand. let dry and tada. now you can add jewels or whatever you have around.

You will need

Project Budget


5 h 50


Pretty Easy
Medium 37889 1552338289477 1265758644 31543841 2543501 n 1281469324 Medium tyedyeetc 1281470604 Medium fearmehand 1281470763 Medium 4hands 1281470783


very easy and fun to do. start with your colors of choice and a piece of cardboard. lay out the hands keep similar colors closer,and others far away. spray top-let dry. spray understide -let dry.( after a day of fully drying and making sure your coats are smooth and clear coat has sealed it.) now on to the clip attachment. I used the ribbon to make little squares and glue to the clip .just make sure you glue the flat side which will rest on the underside of your skeleton hand.(this is important if you have thin hair or hate having your clips pull out your hair.) now glue clip to hand. let dry and tada. now you can add jewels or whatever you have around.
