Sugar/Butter cookies.
This is my own recipe.Very sweet.More sweeter if icing added.They're yummy.
Makes about 2 baking trays of cookies.That's about 70 cookies!
crochetmommie added Simply Delicious.Much Sugar.They're Cookies. to Food Tutorials 14 Oct 18:19
Step 10
Bake your cookies in 200*C in preheated owen for about 15 min or until cookies are golden brown.
Wasn't that easy?^^
You can also add some icing on these! I added sugar icing,but oh well,im not good at this...(black thingies on some cookies are poppy seeds;added before baking)
Enjoy your cookies!
1.0 cup Soft Butter
o.5 - 1.0 cup Sugar
2.0 medium Egg(s)
1.0 tsp Baking Powder
1.0 tsp Vanilla Sugar , Any Essence few drops
2.0 cups Flour
For Icing :
5.0 tsp Powdered Sugar
1.0 tbsp Milk