Cut Out + Keep

Simple Mini Bow

A little bow for moving your bangs to the side or spicing up a pair of pigtails. • Posted by Jeannette H.

I used a small piece of a striped stocking I had lying around. (Hot Topic - $8) For the wrapping piece, I used a bit of black lace trim I bought from WalMart for about $4.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn4882 1260738960


I used a small piece of a striped stocking I had lying around. (Hot Topic - $8) For the wrapping piece, I used a bit of black lace trim I bought from WalMart for about $4.


  1. Cut the desired portion of material from the stocking or sock you've chosen. Be sure that this portion is an even square or rectangle.

  2. IF YOU CHOSE A SQUARE: Take two parallel sides and bring them to the center of the material. THIS WILL BE THE BACK OF THE BOW. IF YOU CHOSE A RECTANGLE: Take the longer two parallel sides and bring them to the center of the material. THIS WILL BE THE BACK OF THE BOW.

  3. Using the lace, tie a knot around the fold. MAKE SURE THE ACTUAL KNOT IS ONLY VISIBLE IN THE BACK. The front should look smooth.

  4. Tighten the knot so that the lace droops down at the bottom and creates the ties of the bow. Use a bobby pin or small snap clip for holding in your hair. You're Done!