Cut Out + Keep

Simple Magazine Flowers

Super quick and super cute! • Posted by Zahira K.

Do you have heaps of magazines laying around and you want to get crafty?

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0603


Do you have heaps of magazines laying around and you want to get crafty?


  1. Small img 0590

    Choose 3 pages from a magazine, I chose the advertising pages because they often have brighter colours. It is really up to you if you want a certain colour scheme.

  2. Small img 0591

    Lay the pages on top of one another. Then fold up from one side like you would a paper fan.

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    Hold the folded pages together and put the wire around the centre. Twist to hold in place.

  4. Small img 0596

    Then use the scissors to round the edge of the paper "fan". Open up the "fan".

  5. Small img 0597

    Pull the sides of the "V" shape together, pinch the bottom layer of the paper, and staple together.

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    Do this on the other side and it should look like this.

  7. Small img 0600

    Gently separate the top page and pull up. Magazines may tear a little, so be careful, however you can hardly tell in the end.

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    Repeat this with the middle layer and it should look like this. You have completed the flower! Wasn't that easy?