Simple Leather Shoulder Bag Diy

handmade black leather shoulder bag simple

Posted by AG


pattern overview only for reference, scale depends on design. :)


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Leather
  • Buckle(s)
  • Engraver
  • Waxed Thread
  • Needles
  • Snap Button(s)

Steps (6 steps, 1440 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cut your pieces refer to the attachment(bag pattern overview)
    * please redraw your pattern on paper, for better enlargement or refinement for your unique design ;)

  2. 2

    (optional)card holder engraving with your message or name or any graphic you like.

    Attach the card holder on to the inside back body

  3. 3

    ::top view of processing//
    -already attached snap button on front body
    -sewed front and side together
    -and hand-stitching card holder onto back body before attaching back and side together

  4. 4

    Then, hand stitches the buckle strip on to the side panel
    Next, ensure you snap button placement and please install on the the front body.
    After that, carefully count the number of holes to mark the exact starting point attached to the front.(especially you have flip on the sides/ refer to the pattern overview)
    Sew the sides and bodies together.

  5. 5

    Mine shoulder strap ends look like this

  6. 6


    More details of this shoulder bag please click below:)

    thanks for watching!