Cut Out + Keep

Simple Headband

Without the hard base. • Posted by Krisandra Slye

I've been bitten by the creative bug, so I've been sketching up a storm whenever I can't pay attention in class. This is a simple pattern I designed from a headband that I've had for a while, and I wanted it in the pattern from an old dress that never fit right...So I decided to put my pattern to the test. I used the old dress and scrap lace from my box full of scraps, so this project cost me nothing but a little time. It took me an hour because I kept having issues with my thread breaking. You'll probably can finished it in about 30 minutes. Please post you versions I'd love to see them. :)

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00197 1303697775 Medium dsc00198 1303697794 Medium dsc00199 1303697805 Medium dsc00200 1303697827


I've been bitten by the creative bug, so I've been sketching up a storm whenever I can't pay attention in class. This is a simple pattern I designed from a headband that I've had for a while, and I wanted it in the pattern from an old dress that never fit right...So I decided to put my pattern to the test. I used the old dress and scrap lace from my box full of scraps, so this project cost me nothing but a little time. It took me an hour because I kept having issues with my thread breaking. You'll probably can finished it in about 30 minutes. Please post you versions I'd love to see them. :)


  1. Small dsc00192 1303698135

    First thing to do of course is gather your material. From your main fabric cut - 2-16 in x 3 in pieces (top piece) - 2-8in x 2in pieces(Elastic Casing) Cut an elastic piece 4 1/2 inches From lace cut one piece slightly smaller than the 16 in x 3 in piece.

  2. Small dsc00193 1303698356

    Attach the lace (or whatever embellishments you have) to the top piece before you go any further. Be creative and inventive...its your project. I used a zig-zag stitch to secure it properly.

  3. Small dsc00194 1303698467

    Put the other top piece on top of the recently embellished piece (right sides together) and sew up ONE side.

  4. Small dsc00195 1303698706

    Open the top piece and fold under the shorter ends and hem (both) See picture. Close, and sew up the other long side. Turn right side out.

  5. Small dsc00196 1303698806

    (Yes I do have Tinker Bell stickers all over my sewing machine (: lol) Take the elastic casing pieces and sew up ONE side (right sides together).

  6. The next part I completely forgot to take pictures, I was in the zone. Switch to zig-zag stitch, open the fabric, place the elastic in the middle of one of the sides you just put together (NOT ON THE SEAM) and sew in place. For hints on how to sew on an elastic go here. Event though it is for the waistband its still the same basic principle.

  7. Small dsc00198   copy 1303699574

    Put right sides back together and sew up the other side. Turn right side out. Insert one end of the casing into the open end of the top piece and sew closed. Repeat for other side.

  8. Small dsc00197 1303699632

    Your done....and ready to wear your new headband.