Cut Out + Keep

Simple Felt Strawberry

Based on Simple Felt Strawberry by Fondasaurusrex • Posted by B*

My 2nd felt (mini-)project :) I tried out different (basic) stitches for this single felt strawberry compared to my first felt strawberry (for the Daiso kit strawberry shortcake). Also, I used French knots (in black embroidery thread) for the strawberry seeds to make them look more realistic. :) Love Fondasaurusrex's easily understandable steps! Thank you.

You will need


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 20140215 121122 cutandkeepproject1 e2 99 a5 Medium 99722 2f2014 07 05 105127 20140614 223623 1 2 Medium 99722 2f2014 07 05 105002 20140411 140957 Medium 99722 2f2014 07 05 105049 20140614 222306 1 1 Medium 20140215 120854 cutandkeepproject3 e2 99 a5 Medium 20140215 121054cutandkeepproject2 e2 99 a5


My 2nd felt (mini-)project :) I tried out different (basic) stitches for this single felt strawberry compared to my first felt strawberry (for the Daiso kit strawberry shortcake). Also, I used French knots (in black embroidery thread) for the strawberry seeds to make them look more realistic. :) Love Fondasaurusrex's easily understandable steps! Thank you.
