• Posted by Tuttle Publishing
Flowers are always appreciated, and here is an all-purpose design that can be glued on a blank greeting card or sent with a message on the back. Make several at once and you’ll always be ready to send a love note.
Flowers are always appreciated, and here is an all-purpose design that can be glued on a blank greeting card or sent with a message on the back. Make several at once and you’ll always be ready to send a love note.
Begin with the non-display side facing up. Fold the square from corner to corner in both directions. Unfold the paper each time to lie flat. Turn the paper over.
Fold the square in half and unfold. Fold in half in the other direction. Do not unfold.
Grasp the paper with both hands at the folded edge in the exact position shown. Move your hands to- ward each other until the paper collapses into a square.
Beginning at the closed corner, fold the two sides to the crease, first on the front and then on the back.
Fold the paper in half from bottom to top and unfold it.
Pull down a single layer from the top corner to the bottom corner. The sides will rise up; flatten them.
The completed Flower.
Leaf Begin folding the square with the light side facing up. Fold the square from corner to corner and unfold it.
Fold both side corners to meet at the middle crease.
Fold the two slanted edges to the middle crease.
The completed Leaf.
Slide the Flower under the folded sides made in step 10 of the Leaf. Fix with a dab of glue. The completed Simple Bouquet.