Simple Beaded Dragons

Cute little dragons made from e-beads and floral wire!

Posted by Christine L.


I didn't make this a how to because the site where I got the dragon idea from has a lovely tutorial. If all you want to do is make the dragon, check out this site!

I bought a nice array of beads from the craft store for this project, and ended up with red, orange, green, blue, black, and two shades of purple. You can choose any colors you want, but these were perfect for my dragons. The tutorial says to use seed beads, but I used e-beads because they're my favorite. Obviously different beads could result in a bigger or smaller dragon.

Different beads may also require a different wire. I love the e-beads because they can be used with 26G wire, which can be bought for much cheaper than most wires in the form of floral wire.

The time I put on here was to make just one dragon. The wings take about half an hour each, while each half of the body took an hour. A more experienced beader might take less time to finish this project.

Skill level is at beginner level - this was my first ever beading project! As a beginner beader, the most challenging part of these dragons were the legs. They didn't always go into position exactly like I wanted them to.

I hope you enjoy making your own beaded dragons!


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 200 E-Beads Glass Beads $4.00 (one color)
  • 1 m 26G Floral Wire $2.00