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Simple Baking

Simple Baking Recipes • Posted by punkyprincess

Punky Princess want to make sure that girls love baking which is why we have pulled together loads of simple baking recipes and ideas for girls to follow!

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Nice & Simple
Medium 103601 2f2014 07 28 115713 kit kat cake recipe 300x300 Medium 103601 2f2014 07 28 115721 line cake tins Medium 103601 2f2014 07 28 115731 nutella chocolate cake 300x197 Medium 103601 2f2014 07 28 115740 chocolate cake recipe


Punky Princess want to make sure that girls love baking which is why we have pulled together loads of simple baking recipes and ideas for girls to follow!


  1. Small 103601 2f2014 07 28 115514 line cake tins

    1. Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 2. Cream together your butter and sugar before gradually beating in the eggs and flour

  2. Small 103601 2f2014 07 28 115541 nutella chocolate cake 300x197

    3. Line your cake trays with greaseproof paper or butter and pour your cake mixture evenly between the two tins 4. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until the sponge is springy and then let them cool

  3. Small 103601 2f2014 07 28 115557 chocolate cake recipe

    5. Spread the nutella on the base of both the cake so you can sandwich them together. Then cover the rest of the cake in the nutella 6. Begin sticking your chocolate fingers around the cake by pushing them until they stay 7. Scatter your m&ms, smarties and maltesers over the top of the cake to fill it and voila!!