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Silver & Black French Beaded Flowers

Beautiful beaded flowers for those with allergies or who just love beaded objects! • Posted by Solari

I learned how to make these from a friend, but I posted a tutorial link anyway, so you can make them too! These are for my wedding bouquet. It's going to be very heavy when it's finished!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium p1020917 1311457419 Medium p1020920 1311457421 Medium p1020928 1311457428 Medium p1020931 1311457438 Medium p1020925 1311457444 Medium p1020932 1311457455 Medium p1020929 1311457480 Medium p1020933 1311457455 Medium p1020942 1311457472 Medium p1020921 1311457474 Medium p1020947 1311457477 Medium p1020939 1311457486 Medium p1020944 1311457487 Medium 2011 07 24 08.22.57 1311527666 Medium 2011 07 24 08.21.27 1311527666 Medium 2011 07 24 08.24.28 1311527670 Medium 2011 07 24 08.24.06 1311527671


I learned how to make these from a friend, but I posted a tutorial link anyway, so you can make them too! These are for my wedding bouquet. It's going to be very heavy when it's finished!
