• Posted by Lo
I love cameo necklaces and pins so I decided to make my own cameo insipred silhouette art for my bedroom! All I did was pick up a couple of very cheap frames (the big one is from the dollar store, the small one is from a thrift shop) I got a roll of easy-stick wallpaper from the dollar store in a vintage print and I cut a piece of it to fit the frame. Next I went online and found some silhouette pictures that I liked and I traced them and cut them out of black construction paper. All you have to do is center the silhouette, close up your frame and place them whereever you like. Since both frames only cost me 4$ and I still have tones of the printed paper I plan on making more silhouettes of birds/deer/cameos and adding to my collection to make one large wall piece.
I love cameo necklaces and pins so I decided to make my own cameo insipred silhouette art for my bedroom! All I did was pick up a couple of very cheap frames (the big one is from the dollar store, the small one is from a thrift shop) I got a roll of easy-stick wallpaper from the dollar store in a vintage print and I cut a piece of it to fit the frame. Next I went online and found some silhouette pictures that I liked and I traced them and cut them out of black construction paper. All you have to do is center the silhouette, close up your frame and place them whereever you like. Since both frames only cost me 4$ and I still have tones of the printed paper I plan on making more silhouettes of birds/deer/cameos and adding to my collection to make one large wall piece.