Shrinky Dink Custom Charms

doodle up a little love for your pets

Posted by CasaKelley


I love my pets, and they are always loosing their identification. with this method, you can make MANY tags and always make them custom.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Shrink Plastic

Steps (2 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    draw what you want onto your shrink film with sharpie or other permanent marker. remember to make it bigger than you will get in the end. it SHRINKS.

  2. 2

    don't forget to use a hole punch BEFORE you shrink them!
    Bake on a non stick or parchment lined pan at 350* F for about 4 minutes. you will need to watch it. They always flip edges toward the middle and then as the middle shrinks it flattens out a bit.