Cut Out + Keep

Shrek Suntop

Shrek Suntop from Dress, T-Shirt, 1yd. of fabric, bottlecap & crotched gromments • Posted by KMOM14

This is only the 2nd time I have tried to make something without a pattern and although it turned out ok and is very comfortable, I ended up improvising when things did not work out with my original vision. Here is the front of the finished top: To make the top part of the top, I used an existing well fitting top as sort of a template and drew on paper and added 1/2 in. to each side for the seam allowance. I then cut one of each piece in the Shrek fabric and another set for lining out of an old t-shirt. It might not show up clearly in the pic, but there is an elasticized inset above the Shrek fabric in the top. I ended up having to put this in as the top ended up being obscenely low cut with out it. I also covered a Powerade lid with Shreck fabric and stictched the "S" in the center for the "button" on the front to hide where I messed up stitching the end of fabric. Back of the top: The bow in back at the shoulder blades was improvised as the straps kept falling down. Close up of crocheted "grommets" for corseting: I originally had planned to put a zipper in the back, but the zipper was too long, so I crochted "grommets" for corseting, sewed it to both sides and laced up with some fish bone neon green ribbon I got at Walmart for a quarter. This is the original dress that the top was refashioned from: I cut of the armholes to use for the top, then cut strips for the band below the bust and the rest was cut in equal portions then sew together and gathered so the top would be very full and floaty.

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Project Budget


2 h 00


Medium front suntop Medium back shrek suntop Medium closeup corseting Medium dress58


This is only the 2nd time I have tried to make something without a pattern and although it turned out ok and is very comfortable, I ended up improvising when things did not work out with my original vision. Here is the front of the finished top: To make the top part of the top, I used an existing well fitting top as sort of a template and drew on paper and added 1/2 in. to each side for the seam allowance. I then cut one of each piece in the Shrek fabric and another set for lining out of an old t-shirt. It might not show up clearly in the pic, but there is an elasticized inset above the Shrek fabric in the top. I ended up having to put this in as the top ended up being obscenely low cut with out it. I also covered a Powerade lid with Shreck fabric and stictched the "S" in the center for the "button" on the front to hide where I messed up stitching the end of fabric. Back of the top: The bow in back at the shoulder blades was improvised as the straps kept falling down. Close up of crocheted "grommets" for corseting: I originally had planned to put a zipper in the back, but the zipper was too long, so I crochted "grommets" for corseting, sewed it to both sides and laced up with some fish bone neon green ribbon I got at Walmart for a quarter. This is the original dress that the top was refashioned from: I cut of the armholes to use for the top, then cut strips for the band below the bust and the rest was cut in equal portions then sew together and gathered so the top would be very full and floaty.
