Imagination needed to make your shoes AWESOME!!! >:D
Umkey, so i had made these shoes for my cousin because i make shoes pretty much to have some money for myself since i have no time for a job yet, but i also make them because i like coloring on plain surfaces! ^.^ So anyway, my cousin loves hearts so i decided to make the Queen of Hearts themed shoes! and it came out as so. Its really easy to do and alot of fun as well, sorry i dont have pics but like i said, its eezy peezy lemon squeezy! ^x^<3
Step 1
Buy some plain white shoes,and also buy some colorful sharpies, (get the skinny tipped ones so that pictures can come out more defined rather than bulky). make sure they're canvas or just easy to draw on in general because i've tried drawing on someones air forces before and.....no...it didnt work out so well.... >_< i almost died.
Step 2
Next, color onto the shoes with any image or design you had in mind, or you can do the Queen of Hearts if you want, but im sure you have some really kewl and unique ideas that you've probably been dying to wear on your feet. lol :)
Step 3
Then,(this part is optional) add on some sequins, or beads, or whatever you want to your image that goes well with what you're doing, i added sequins and i had sewn on the hearts on the side of the shoe by first sewing the outline, then coloring it in with the thread. BE SURE YOU SEW ON EVERYTHING NICE AND TIGHT!!!!<3
Step 4
Last but not least when you've finished your beautiful shoes put them into the dryer so that the sharpie can stain and set into the shoes' fabric and....VOILA!!!!! YOUR SHOES ARE DONE AND MAGNIFICENT!!!!! ^0^!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
b e a utiful <3