• Posted by PunkinsBabie
Yeah, purple shoes! I purchased these Aerosoles Jalapeno's on Ebay for next to nothing (w shipping $18 US). They reminded me of something a grandmother would wear with the horrible zipper like an eye sore right down the center. So I "Refashioned" them in about an hour. I LOVE SHOES, all kinds, all colors, all makes, models, and if I don't love them I show them LOVE and they will be phenomenal when I am done!
Yeah, purple shoes! I purchased these Aerosoles Jalapeno's on Ebay for next to nothing (w shipping $18 US). They reminded me of something a grandmother would wear with the horrible zipper like an eye sore right down the center. So I "Refashioned" them in about an hour. I LOVE SHOES, all kinds, all colors, all makes, models, and if I don't love them I show them LOVE and they will be phenomenal when I am done!
Yeah, these are them. they are actually purple, the picture makes them look blue. I love the style, I am all about shooties, the heel is an excellent height and they are Aerosoles, which are made for cute comfort.
and here we go..... with your scissors, cut the zipper out as close as you can to the actual shoe, with out cutting the shoe. The bottom where the zipper goes into the shoe, you have to kind of work with it. Do not cut the leather of the shootie, this will compromise the leather and run the possibility of the eyelet ripping out while wearing them. Once the zipper was out, I had to remove the itty bitty tongue that sits behind the zipper. Very carefully I removed it with an Exacto Knife. The zipper will ravel, just pull at the threads until it doesn't ravel any more and add some stitch stay (I think that is what it is called) Next I marked where I wanted the eyelets set. Once I Marked where I wanted them I got out my BIG Crop O Dial - Big Bite II hole puncher / eyelet-grommet setter. If you do not have one and you wanna punch holes in thick materials, GET ONE! I punched the holes, they are not perfectly aligned, Laces will hide that. I set my eyelets, using my amazing Big Bite.
here you can see the eyelets, I used 5 on each side
Laced them up with grosgrain ribbon DONE! in about an hour you went from Grandma to OUTSTANDING!
Do not be afraid to be Adventurous, ff you are like me, you can never find exactly what you want (especially if you have a funky sorta style) Find something close, cut them up, punch holes, paint them, cover them.... JUST MAKE THEM YOUR OWN