Cut Out + Keep

Shirt Skirt And Dress

Based on Shirt Skirt And Dress by Selena Francis-Bryden • Posted by Hissyfits ///_^

This really couldn't get any easier :) I had these shirts already, they're fitted so you don't have too much fabric back there, and they're exactly the same from when I couldn't chose a colour so I bought them both. Have fun mixing it up. -Xx-

You will need


0 h 02


Pretty Easy
Medium mypicture 1286814554 Medium mypicture 1286814593


This really couldn't get any easier :) I had these shirts already, they're fitted so you don't have too much fabric back there, and they're exactly the same from when I couldn't chose a colour so I bought them both. Have fun mixing it up. -Xx-
