Cut Out + Keep

Shirred Ruffle T Shirt Scarf

Based on Shirred Ruffle T Shirt Scarf by Pink Dyamonds • Posted by Rachel's Craft Channel

The major differences between my project and the original, is that mine began as about a 6 inch by 8 foot long strip of fabric (so longer and skinnier than the original), I sewed on elastic instead of using elastic thread, and I added polka dots using acrylic paint and a pencil before adding the elastic.

You will need


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dsc06966 Medium dsc06953 Medium dsc07059


The major differences between my project and the original, is that mine began as about a 6 inch by 8 foot long strip of fabric (so longer and skinnier than the original), I sewed on elastic instead of using elastic thread, and I added polka dots using acrylic paint and a pencil before adding the elastic.
