Cut Out + Keep

Shell Top

A use for all those Shell's you have lying about. • Posted by Markee R.

I had a bag of then sliced shells lying about, so I decided to make a top out of them. I used braided yarn to get the structure of the top (and to anchor them on something. I then glued them onto netting, because they are quite delicate I was concerned of them breaking.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 104 0461 Medium 3826922843 8eb29541be o Medium 31888163.crw 2221 f10 cm lvl sh


I had a bag of then sliced shells lying about, so I decided to make a top out of them. I used braided yarn to get the structure of the top (and to anchor them on something. I then glued them onto netting, because they are quite delicate I was concerned of them breaking.
