• Posted by hennie
Knitted in chunky wool. You need to register (Free) then search for WOOLY LAMB (make sure only one "l") If link still doesn't work. then instructions are here. THIS IS A GREAT SITE, for all crafting ideas.
Knitted in chunky wool. You need to register (Free) then search for WOOLY LAMB (make sure only one "l") If link still doesn't work. then instructions are here. THIS IS A GREAT SITE, for all crafting ideas.
With Main colour cast on 16sts. Row1: Knit Row2: K,inc 1 in every st (32sts) Row3:Knit Row4: *K1, inc1 rep from* across (48sts) Work even in garter st until piece measures 14inches from beg
SHAPE END Row 1. *k1,k2tog rep from * across (32sts) Row 2.Knit Row3: k2tog,across (16sts) CAST OFF Fold body with cast off edge at back and selvages at bottom Sew seams, leaving a gap for stuffing. Stuff and sew seam.
TAIL cast on 6sts in main ROW1 Knit Row 2 k,inc 1 in every st (12sts) ROW 3-7 KNIT ROW 8 K2tog across sts (6sts) Cut yarn leaving a long end, thread onto tapestry needle,run through sts and pull tightly. Sew seam, stuff lighlty, close seam. Sew in place.
EAR MAKE 2 with main cast on 4 sts (Garter st) Row 1 KNIT ROW2: K,inc 1 in every st (8) ROW 3-8 KNIT ROW 9 K2tog (4) Finish as for tail but do not stuff. Set aside
FACE WITH CHARCOAL Cast on 30sst ROW1-4 Work ven in st st. ROW5 *K3,k2tog rep from * across (24sts) ROW6 and 8 Purl ROW7 *K2,k2tog rep from *across (18sts) ROW9 *K1,k2tog rep from* across (12sst) ROW10 P2tog across (6sts) Finish as for tail, stuff. Sew cast on edge to body, embroider face details, sew ears in place
LEGS MAKE 4 wITH CHARCOAL cast on 15 ROW 1-12 work even in St st. ROW 13:(k3,k2tog) three times (12sts) ROW14: Purl ROW15: K2tog across (6sts) FInsih as for tail, stuff. Sew open end to body.