Sharpie Guidelines For Fabric Painting
Make guidelines for your design before painting it on fabric.
Posted by Conn
I'm not very good at drawing and I didn't want to make any mistakes on this gift for a friend so I wanted to somehow transfer the design on the fabric before painting. I was going to make a stencil by making lines of a design thicker with a sharpie but figured out this method when the ink went through the paper and onto the table (I forgot to put a pad beneath the paper).
You Will Need (3 things)
- Fabric Paint
- Sharpie
- Paper
Steps (3 steps, 10 minutes)
Put your paper (thinner is better, and regular binder paper is perfect) against your computer screen to trace your design or just print it out on thin paper (regular printer paper is too thick for this). Make sure it's the size you want on your fabric too. The attached picture is the one I used.
Take that image and put it on your fabric at the place you want. Then trace over the design using a sharpie and firm pressure (not TOO hard). The ink should go though the paper and onto your fabric; if that doesn't happen, you need to either press down a bit harder or use thinner paper. You can see from the picture on the right that I chose to trace Pooh and the butterfly separately, but it's not necessary.
Now just go over the sharpie lines with fabric paint and you're done! (sorry I don't have a picture of the shirt with the lines on it)