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Sharpie Decorated Easter Eggs

Easy way to decorate plastic Easter Eggs • Posted by KYLESTREETRACER

Mom got plastic Easter Eggs for my basket and they were boring so I decorated them with a black sharpie - some are just squiggly lines and some have faces, but Mom said she thought the one that looks like a bumble bee's butt (the one in the center of the bowl) looks the best.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium easter eggs decorated with black sharpie 1239347485


Mom got plastic Easter Eggs for my basket and they were boring so I decorated them with a black sharpie - some are just squiggly lines and some have faces, but Mom said she thought the one that looks like a bumble bee's butt (the one in the center of the bowl) looks the best.
