• Posted by BarryBelcher
Create a chandelier using mix and match flatware cutlery.
Create a chandelier using mix and match flatware cutlery.
Drill small holes in the tips of every knife using a metal drill bit. Be sure to spray WD-40 on the area where drilling as a lubricant.
Find a base to an old casserole dish or something similar as the base for the top of your chandelier's knives to hang.
Hook 2 hanging flower pot chains at equal length across from each other on the base then take another chain and hook evenly from the other 2 chains to a ceiling hook.
Use metal wire and create a hook through the hole drilled in each knife tip.
Hang knives evenly around the casserole metal base.
Remove the clamp and shade from the clamp lamp.
Twine wire and bulb holder down the center of knives and up the chain hanging from ceiling hook.
Watch me make this here or follow instructions below.
Plug it in to add sharp lighting in a dull room.