Cut Out + Keep

Sexy Dresses

backless dress • Posted by sylvia h.

This is a very easy dress to make. take 2 yards of fabric. - Join the fabric together at a corner so it becomes a triangle.there will be a longer length. - along the folded side towards the point have a tape measure at a 45 angle. When it touches the open side with a total of 3.5 inches cut. Your cut should be at 45 angle with the folded side right!?now that will be your neckline -Now from your own collarbone measure all the way to your feet.that will be the length of the dress. _ take your scissors and strat cutting at a right angle from this folded side and try to make a nice curve all the way to the open side. - from the neck measure 20' and sew from that point all the way to the bottom. then all you have to do is save all other edges. I will post a real tutorial when I manage to get my hand on a camera.But really if you follow the instructions you should get it. Good luck. Send me a note on my website if you have any questions.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium purple stains Medium fire  2


This is a very easy dress to make. take 2 yards of fabric. - Join the fabric together at a corner so it becomes a triangle.there will be a longer length. - along the folded side towards the point have a tape measure at a 45 angle. When it touches the open side with a total of 3.5 inches cut. Your cut should be at 45 angle with the folded side right!?now that will be your neckline -Now from your own collarbone measure all the way to your feet.that will be the length of the dress. _ take your scissors and strat cutting at a right angle from this folded side and try to make a nice curve all the way to the open side. - from the neck measure 20' and sew from that point all the way to the bottom. then all you have to do is save all other edges. I will post a real tutorial when I manage to get my hand on a camera.But really if you follow the instructions you should get it. Good luck. Send me a note on my website if you have any questions.
