Sewing Box

A retro sewing box

Posted by Grace D


Urggh all my photos are too bigger size quality to download, so I will be taking some with my mobile soon xx


You Will Need (5 things)

  • ½ m Fabric
  • Wadding
  • Card
  • Fabric Glue
  • Scissors

Steps (17 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get all the things you need, I got about 1/2 a metre of all the fabric and wadding but it depends on how big you want your box.
    You need wadding, card, types of fabric, fabric glue, scissors.

  2. 2

    Cut the base of your box, you need really thick card for this otherwise it will be very flimsy. Choose any size, my base was 36x24.

  3. 3

    Cut this out.

  4. 4

    Get the piece of card you just cut out and draw around it on some card, so that when you cut it out you will have two. One of them is for the lid the other the base.

  5. 5

    Cut this out.

  6. 6

    Then you want to choose the side of your box, it has to look right, so depending on the size of your box, choose the right depth that will suit it. It also depends what you want to put in your box. The depth of my box was 13.5

  7. 7

    Cut out all the sides of your boxes

  8. 8

    With pencil write a small 1 of each of these pieces to stop you getting confused later on.

  9. 9

    Now you need to get all the pieces you made and draw around all of them on some card. So basically you are making doubles of them, I will explain why later.

  10. 10

    Cut out all of these and put a small 2 on each of the corners.

  11. 11

    With the number 2's you need to mark 1/2 a centimetre in from the edge. Once done that all the way around cut out the excess, so you are left with a smaller shape

  12. 12

    You need to cut wadding to fit the card called 2. You need to stick this to all the card and wait for it to dry.

  13. 13

    Now you need to get the fabric that you want to be on the outside of your box. Get your pieces of card that have 1's on. You need to cut the fabric about 2 cm bigger all the way around the card.

  14. 14

    Stick this down. Wait for this to dry fully.

  15. 15

    By this time the others should be dry. You need to get your other fabric and do the same thing to the pieces of card called 2 with the wadding on them. Now you just have to wait for everything to dry. So give yourself a pat on the back and have a cuppa.

  16. 16

    You now need to find the 1's that match up with the 2's you need to stick them together. The reason why we do this is so its nicely padded and also so it looks nice, so let them go and find there future partners. You now need to let them dry.

  17. 17

    Now comes the tricky part. You need to stick it all together. Cover the sides with glue and stick them together with fabric glue. If your box is fairly small you can put an elastic band around it so that it stays in place, if it is quite big like mine you need to get some hair grips and stick it at the sides. Now leave it for about a night to dry. Keep touching the corners up with glue and your box is ready!