Sew Bot

a cute little robot to protect your ipod, cell phone or whatever you want!

Posted by margarita s.


i just needed an ipod cover and thought a robot would be ended up coming out pretty good


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Felt
  • Needle & Thread

Steps (8 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    start by measuring your MP3 player or whatever you plan to use the case for

  2. 2

    next cut out 2 pieces of felt slightly larger that your MP3 (or you could be lazy and just use one peice folded in half)

  3. 3

    sew together the edges leaving the top open

  4. 4

    now cut out 2 rectangles for arms, 2 "L" shaped pieces for legs/feet, a large square for the face, eyes, a mouth and some random squares and shapes for the body (i put in a little heart for funsies)

  5. 5

    sew all the shapes on (using the thread to make designs if you want) use this picture as a guide if you need to

  6. 6

    now you can sew around the edges of the top with large stiches (leave this step out if you would like)

  7. 7

    next, insert ipod

  8. 8

    rock out!