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Sequined Tree Ornament

Oh my! Only 7 weeks to Christmas!!! • Posted by PlaidCrafter

I laid out my supplies: A triangle of green wool felted sweater a bunch of round silver sequins 3 snowflake sequins 1 large round silver sequins 4 beads I then stitched the small silver sequins on using the two-stitch method to form garlands on the tree. I sewed the snowflake sequins on with the bead method. One down, tons more holiday crafting to go!

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Project Budget


0 h 20


Medium sequin christmas tree2 2 Medium sequin christmas tree3


I laid out my supplies: A triangle of green wool felted sweater a bunch of round silver sequins 3 snowflake sequins 1 large round silver sequins 4 beads I then stitched the small silver sequins on using the two-stitch method to form garlands on the tree. I sewed the snowflake sequins on with the bead method. One down, tons more holiday crafting to go!
