Cut Out + Keep

Sequin Suspenders

A super easy DIY with stretchy sequin trim and recycled thrift shop suspenders! • Posted by Disney P.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium sequinsuspenders2 Medium sequinsuspenders4 Medium sequinsuspenders3 Medium img 08071 Medium sequinsuspenders



  1. Small img 0780

    Cut two lengths of trim and thread each end through the loop of a suspender clip. (Get clips from craft stores or snatch a set off an old pair of suspenders from your thrift store)

  2. Small img 0785

    Sew closed. (P.S. Hot glue works, too! Wink, wink.)

  3. Small img 0789

    Cut out four leather or felt hearts and sew back to back with embroidery thread.

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    Glue hearts to the top of the front clips with a strong hold glue.