Made from old curtains!
When your mom decides to throw away the old living room curtains, it's a perfect opportunity to salvage a nice bunch of free fabric, and that's exactly what I did to create these. This is my first pair of shorts, and I know they're a little on the skanky side, so I added a band at the top to make them slightly high waisted and cancel out the skankyness. For the pattern, I just used a pair of old shorts.
I'm really proud of them and I consider this my first real garment :]
Just Enjoy Every Tear :*[ commented on Semi High Waisted Floral Shorts! 19 Jul 20:54
Forever young love l. favorited Semi High Waisted Floral Shorts! 17 Jul 01:45
You Will Need
Paulina S. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
How did you make those ? I've been looking to make a pair but I have nooo clue how, was it hard?
CO + K User
nuff said.