Sea Urchin Necklace

Make a necklace out of a sea urchin

Posted by Adrienne the Crafty Little Gnome


This tutorial show you how to turn a sea urchin found at the beach into a funky necklace with a few easy to find supplies.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • sea urchin
  • Crayola Air Dry Clay
  • Wire
  • Head Pin
  • Bead
  • Jewelry Chain
  • Clasp
  • Clear Acrylic Sealer

Steps (4 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start by spraying the urchin with the sealer. This helps to make the shell stronger. The urchins are delicate and will break easily if you don’t handle them with care.

    Once the urchin is dry, take a small amount of air dry clay and press it into the inside of the urchin. Add more clay until the urchin is full. Pack it in tight.

  2. 2

    Next you will need to find a way to attach the necklace chain to the urchin. I found the best way was to twist a small piece of wire and insert it into the back of the urchin, right into the clay. Then I put more clay on top of the wire to hold it in.

  3. 3

    Flip the urchin back over and press a pearl or bead into the opening on top of the urchin. This is just so that the clay takes the shape of the bead so that you can glue it in permanently after it dries. Depending on what type of bead you want to decorate the urchin with you can insert a head pin into the bead, trim it down and then press it into the top of the urchin. You should remove the bead and pin and then after the clay dries you can apply some super glue and insert it back into the hole.

  4. 4

    I like to spray my sea urchin necklace with some additional coats of clear varnish to help protect it.

    Once it’s completely dry you can string it onto the necklace chain of your choice and place it around your neck.