Cut Out + Keep

Scrabble Clock

High Scores with a Scrabble Clock • Posted by Steven James

I'll let the clock speak for itself, but I think spelling out the numbers is crucial and I also like how they are randomly placed around the game board. Here's how to make it:

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium scrabbleclock


I'll let the clock speak for itself, but I think spelling out the numbers is crucial and I also like how they are randomly placed around the game board. Here's how to make it:


  1. Small drillcenter

    First drill a hole through the center star, when you look at the board, you'll notice it's off center, but I think the star is the place to drill!

  2. Small braceback

    In order for the board not to fold over onto itself, the back should be braced with a two small wooden rulers. Use wood glue to attach the two pieces, so they cross the middle fold

  3. Small bracebacktwo

    See the fold: You want to prevent this from moving.

  4. Small gluetiles

    Now use the same wood glue to attach the tiles, use the glue sparingly and quickly remove any glue that seeps from underneath the tile.

  5. Small weighttiles

    Place several heavy books over the top of the tiles, to weight them in place, allow the tiles to dry in place for several hours and perhaps overnight.

  6. Small insertclock

    Once dry, insert the clock mechanism, assemble the clock and hang that baby!

  7. Small scrabbleclock

    Finished project, I guess you could also use different words in place of the numbers, as long as they are in the same location. Happy National Craft Month!