Scout Sash

Once a Girl Scout, now a Craft Scout! You too can earn a merit badge!

Posted by PlaidCrafter


As you can see, my Craft Scout sash was pretty darn full so I thought I would make a Craft Scout sash for Jane Doe Amineko. And since this merit badge is Velcro backed, a recycled wool felted sweater would be the perfect material since Velcro sticks great to it.

Here is how I made my Amineko doll size scout sash.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Needle & Thread
  • Scissors
  • Sweater

Steps (2 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    I sketched out a pattern (above) that fit on Jane. She doesn't have shoulders really so it took a few tries but was pretty easy.

  2. 2

    The sash seemed a bit wide so I trimmed it a bit but still kept it wide enough to fit the 365 merit badge.

    I folded it right side in and fit it to Jane again. Then all that was left to do was a quick line of stitching to attach the front and back at the bottom side seam.