Scottish Macaroon Bars

Scottish Macaroon Bars

Posted by Super Madcow


These are a traditional Scottish sweet.

They use up left over mashed potatoes.

They are great fun to make with the kids.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 100 g Potatoes Cooked & mashed
  • 200 g Icing Sugar
  • 400 g Chocolate
  • 400 g Coconut

Steps (7 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Mix the potatoes & icing sugar together until a thick paste.

    You may need more icing sugar than stated in the recipe.

  2. 2

    Press dough into a lined tin.

    Place in the fridge for 10 mins.

  3. 3

    Melt chocolate.

  4. 4

    Cut dough into bars.

  5. 5

    Dip the bars into chocolate then into coconut.

  6. 6

    Allow to set.

  7. 7
