Cut Out + Keep

Scented Bunny Pouch

To hang in a closet filled with cute clothes :D • Posted by Ida Ilona van Toor

This pouch I made for my daughters closet to hang between her clothes. I sewed a small broken scented "sugar cube" inside the pouch. You can also use a bath fizz for this, I bought this Strawberry scented bath fizz at Sephora.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 900097920 6 nghn 1288751708 Medium sephora zollette da bagno 1289348734


This pouch I made for my daughters closet to hang between her clothes. I sewed a small broken scented "sugar cube" inside the pouch. You can also use a bath fizz for this, I bought this Strawberry scented bath fizz at Sephora.
