Cut Out + Keep

Scarf Heating Pillow

a long size sew heating pillow, like a scarf;-D • Posted by Jet H.

Because of the snow and cold time during the xmas time and problems with my wheelchair i was stucked at home. Because of the broken wheelchair i become a lot of pain in my neck,=S ,but its much better now;-D I had nerves damaging . I thought i must make a heating scarf, i had seen something like that in a shop, and because i will move i thought hey i can clean my materials up in a smart way.LOL so this was a smart thing to make and keep me bussy.LOL It helped me a lot to ease the pain, but it helps me sure too with to stand the cold, i wrap the scarf too on my feets.;-D so you can uses him for many more things. My cats like it too.LOL so its every day fithing whom may uses him.LOL I hope you like it, and of course the herb doesn't need in the scarf, or you can uses a other herb, like roses, and you can insteade of the dried corn, use dried rices. And,.. there will come a how to of the making of the scarf pillow cover, because i was missing some closuring on the ends. Feel free to ask me your questions.;-D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium mijn eerste versie 1265999665 Medium klaar 2 1266054876


Because of the snow and cold time during the xmas time and problems with my wheelchair i was stucked at home. Because of the broken wheelchair i become a lot of pain in my neck,=S ,but its much better now;-D I had nerves damaging . I thought i must make a heating scarf, i had seen something like that in a shop, and because i will move i thought hey i can clean my materials up in a smart way.LOL so this was a smart thing to make and keep me bussy.LOL It helped me a lot to ease the pain, but it helps me sure too with to stand the cold, i wrap the scarf too on my feets.;-D so you can uses him for many more things. My cats like it too.LOL so its every day fithing whom may uses him.LOL I hope you like it, and of course the herb doesn't need in the scarf, or you can uses a other herb, like roses, and you can insteade of the dried corn, use dried rices. And,.. there will come a how to of the making of the scarf pillow cover, because i was missing some closuring on the ends. Feel free to ask me your questions.;-D


  1. gather your materials together which you need to use. begin to cut the cotton fabric on the right measures. i have taken 140cm (56 inches) x 25 cm (10 inches)

  2. Small no1 afspelden geknipte dubbelgev lap 1266051682

    Fold the fabric on the middle, and pin it togther, Wolfje my kitten is inspecting that they are good jammed. LOL

  3. Small no 2 afspelden geknipte dubbelgev lap 1266051944

    sew it around, attention: Let on the top a part open!!! cut of the edges like the pict let showing you.

  4. Small no 3 lap in drieen vouwen 1266052086

    turn the inside out of the fabric. Fold the scarf no in three parts. Like the pict. And make some marks with pins on the end of the line.

  5. Small no4 gedroogde mais 1266052213

    this is a pict of the mais, so every body in every coutry know now what i mean with dried corn.LOL Of course you could uses buckweat (its too expensive) cherry stones rices by the rices and the corn, you must when you will heat the scarf allway set a class of water next to the scarf in the microweave, the corn, or rices don't dried out and it will be staying longer in good condition! so you have more profit of your scarf.;-D

  6. Small no 5 afmeten van corn 1266052562

    Take your measuring cup and take two cups of corn (almost) in dutch i took everytime 350 gram. and i've you like you can add some dried herbs like levender too it, i have add 100 gram, i think thats a half cup? I really don't understand the measuring of alll the differends countrys, i'm so pitty. Some clever direction how much filling, you must be sure that the compartment is everytime half filled!

  7. Small no 6start funnel maken knip rolletje 1266053094

    Okay, i have told in a project about making funnels of recycling materials. I hadn't a good funnel that worked with the corn, so i had to make one my self. a little how to again. take a toilet paper tube, and cut it in half, with a scissors.

  8. Small no7 maken funnel rt8 1266053340

    Fold the parts together like the picts.

  9. Small no7 maken funnel 2 rt8 1266053401

    tape this off. agai like the pict.LOL boring huhh?!!! but we are finished with this.;-D

  10. Small no8 vullen van eerste deel met corn 1266053505

    Set the "funnel" in the gate of the scarf, and downpour the corn in the scarf through the funnel. Of course set the small gate of the funnel in the scarf.

  11. Small no9 heatingpi vullen eerste compartim l0 rt8 1266053689

    You have filled the first compartment, take some more pins for sewing a straight line.

  12. Small no10 heatingpil eerste comp gestikt 1266053768

    Sew the straight line, like the pict and now you have finished the first compartment.

  13. Small no11 laatste comp gevuld  gat 1266053900

    You must do all the steps s with the two other compartments too. filling and pinning and sewing, only the last part wait a moment.LOL

  14. Small no12 afspelden gat 1266053990

    close the gate with some pins , not just the opening but too the hole upside.

  15. Small n012 gat dicht gestikt 1266054254

    and sew it with the sewing machine real close to the edge.

  16. Small klaar 2 1266054537

    yessss!!! you' are finished, i had made my first frow thicker material, i had for this taken less thicker material, because i like to make a pillow cover. because i missed a kind of closing the two ends to each other. but that how to come soon, i promise you that.;-D i hope you like this , and have much profite of this project. I still do.but most improtend have fun with the making of.LOL