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Sausage Casserole

A quick and easy casserole for winter time! • Posted by Miss Dee

I LOVE casseroles! Now that the weather is getting colder I thrive in the kitchen. Here is a really easy casserole the whole family will love!!!!

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I LOVE casseroles! Now that the weather is getting colder I thrive in the kitchen. Here is a really easy casserole the whole family will love!!!!


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    Collect all ingredients I normal cut all the vegetables up coarsely.

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    Fry up your sausages. Once cooked take them out of the frying pan and chop them into quarters.

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    Fry up the onion and bacon until the onion is opaque. Add flour and mix in well. Once you've added the flour pour in the stock slowly so it doesn't end up lumpy.

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    Add all the harder vegies (carrots, celery and potatoes) and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

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    Put a pot of rice on to cook.

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    Add in two tablespoons of tomato paste and two tins of crushed tomatoes. Add the softer vegies (zucchini, green beans and mushrooms) simmer for 5 minutes.

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    Place sausages back into the pot and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the carrots/potatoes are soft.

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    Dish up on a bed of rice and enjoy!