Salt Paste

Cheapy cheap homemade salt paste

Posted by nariel


This is perfect if you want to do some tiny and no so tiny figures :D


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 1 cup of Sea Salt
  • 1 cup of Water

Steps (6 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    First, you'll need:
    *3 cups of wheat fluor
    *1 cup of water
    *1 cup of salt

  2. 2

    Mix the wheat fluor and the salt. Add the water. And just knead it like 10 minutes. If it's too dry you could add more water, but just a little.

  3. 3

    Now you got some salt paste and you're ready to do whatever figure you want :D

    Paint your figure. You can use aquarell or acrylic paints.

  4. 4

    And you just need to bake it. 1 mm of thikness equals 1 hour at 60-70ºC

  5. 5

    Apply 3 layers of varnish all over the figure. So it will be out of dust and humidity.

  6. 6

    That's all :D Hope you like it.