It says you only have to make 30 individual pieces....but the photo at the bottom on how everything should be assembled is an icosidodecahedron. That would be 12 pentagons (5 individual pieces each) and an additional 20 pieces for the connectors. That's 80 pieces in all. Maybe I'm reading it wrong? Help?
This will probably be difficult for you if you haven't done modular origami before. I have made an electra (icosidodecahedron) which is made up of 30 four-flapped modules that fit together in a pentagon/triangle pattern, similar to this one. But it has more holes in it. I will make on of these soon. As soon as I get more paper. Or as soon as I decide to cut 2 pieces of paper into 4x4s.
CO + K User
What goes in where?
I'd be happy if someone could help. ^_~,windmill.html&h=520&w=520&sz=22&tbnid=TidRyVVdEhJZoM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwindmill%2Bbase&zoom=1&q=windmill+base&usg=__YiHvkyH4u_3htBUxNcQvdhoaZVM=&sa=X&ei=rjCZTfj2B-7KiAKO3YjnCA&ved=0CC0Q9QEwAg