Cut Out + Keep

Saddle Soap

~Five minute soap for your leather goods without the heavy price~ • Posted by ThatCrazyGoatLady

Takes 5 Minutes! (Plus hardening time..) Our old saddle soap had cost a good amount, and it had dried out and was no longer usable (because my parents tossed it out since there was almost none left anyhow). So, since my two pairs of leather boots needed cleaning, i got straight to work on researching about what is in saddle soap. This is the quickest, simplest rout to take. Even better, I did the research for you! ;) Also, it works the same as any regular hard saddle soap: add water, rub on towel, wash the leather.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium kxjhvc


Takes 5 Minutes! (Plus hardening time..) Our old saddle soap had cost a good amount, and it had dried out and was no longer usable (because my parents tossed it out since there was almost none left anyhow). So, since my two pairs of leather boots needed cleaning, i got straight to work on researching about what is in saddle soap. This is the quickest, simplest rout to take. Even better, I did the research for you! ;) Also, it works the same as any regular hard saddle soap: add water, rub on towel, wash the leather.


  1. Take your wax and melt it over a high heat.

  2. While your wax is being melted, take the ivory soap (or any soap you'd like, but ivory is the cheapest, so i chose that) and grind/grate/throw it in the processor. You only need half of the bar, if you wanna use the full bar, double the amount of wax.

  3. Once the wax is melted, turn the stove to medium and add the soap flakes.

  4. It will probably start to foam/bubble. That's fine. Mix the wax and soap together, making sure all of the clumps are gone.

  5. Add the olive oil. You can really add any kind of good oil (not like car oil, that's bad oil :P ) I used olive oil because it was what we had. (Thinking now, we had corn oil too...should have used that..)

  6. Turn the stove to low and let it combine fully.

  7. After about 2 minutes of smooshing it and mixing, turn off the heat and get out whatever contain you would like the soap to be in. You could probably mold it, too. but I'm too lazy, so I just poured it into plastic containers and left it there.

  8. In about 5-10 minutes (it will take less time if you put the soap on ice) the soap should have hardened. Once it's hard, you can use it! :)